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Global Roofing Group’s convenient and easy-to-use GlobalFM cloud-based online roof management portal provides building owners and property managers reportable data on their roof assets in the palm of their hand. Whether in the office, at home orin the field, the data you need is always available through any internet-ready device.

GlobalFM Dashboard

Online Inspection Reports

Executive Level Reporting
Service Dispatch Center
Powered by: Global Roofing Group

GlobalFM Dashboard
The GlobalFM Dashboard gives you easy access to all of the Properties you have in the GlobalFM System and the ability to drill down in the critical data need.

Service Dispatch Control Center
Got a Leak? Push the button. Initiate and track your your work orders with package style tracking and custom notifications you can set up for you and others you want to keep in the loop.

Track the status of your work orders from your live Dispatch board and drill down to access historical data including past invoices and executed work orders.

Online Roof Inspection Reports
Global Online Inspection Reports provide you with live digital reports inventorying your roof assets and establishing a benchmark for a Proactive Roof Management Program.

View both online and pdf reports including Observations, Composition, Deficiencies, Useful Life Ratings and Recommendations complete with estimated cost to complete work.

Powerful Budgeting Tools
Collaborate on collective budgeting with the GlobalFM Budget Matrix which summarizes all Capital and Expense Values that can easily be assembled into projections and budgets based upon remaining useful life of your roof assets.

Get started with GlobalFM with a no-cost, no obligation inspection of one of you roof systems. You will be provided PDF and online access to your roof systems

Executive Level Reporting

Pull reports by property, region or portfolio on capital and expense spend. View Service Dispatch history that can be filtered by date or downloaded to excel to build your own reports.
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